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Compared to other manly professions, such as bear wrestling and logging, art is often considered feminine. Liberal arts majors aren’t known for being incredibly strong. In the past, those who majored in this field were more likely to steal women than discuss male privilege.

With that in mind, here are some of art history’s most iconic moments and movements. Perhaps this will inspire you to begin creating your works of art.

Thomas Moran Travels into the Wildness for His Art

In 1871, the U.S. was an incredibly unexplored place. Cities throughout the country were still completely unknown, and the West was full of danger and adventure. Washington sent a group of men, including landscape artist Thomas Moran, to get a deeper understanding of the interior. Originally from England, Moran was dedicated to his work.

When an expedition was sent out to explore what is now known as Yellowstone National Park, Moran could tag along with the supplies the expedition brought. Over 40 days, he spent time painting in the wilderness.

Italian Renaissance Art

During the Renaissance period in Italy, artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci were able to draw inspiration from classical art from Greece and Rome. They adopted various ancient practices such as perspective, symmetry, and balance. This approach eventually led to the creation of anatomically correct sculptures and portraits.

From the 14th to the 17th century, Italy experienced unprecedented enlightenment. The Renaissance, which means rebirth or Rinascimento, is a term used to refer to this period. During this time, the public was more focused on various cultural subjects.

Artists During World War I

The First World War significantly changed the country Britain. Many of the country’s artists refused to let the event pass them by and, instead, signed up to serve. This was despite the government’s efforts to encourage artists to visit war sites.

During the war’s first winter, artist Eric Kennington was sent to France. He was working on the western front, which was incredibly harsh. During this time, he experienced several days without sleep due to the heavy snow and temperatures that dropped to -20 degrees Celsius.


The Baroque movement emerged in Italy during the last part of the Renaissance. Baroque art, like the preceding genres, exhibited a passion for rich color and realism. Compared to architecture and Renaissance art, Baroque works were more lavish.

The lavish nature of Baroque architecture, sculpture, and painting can be seen in the various forms of art produced during this period. Some of the artists who were able to create this type of work included Caravaggio and Bernini. They created dramatic and intricate designs through their use of light and movement.