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Lacey Flanagan’s Blog

Top Books for Artists to Read

There's still more to learn, regardless if you're a seasoned pro or a new artist. Whether you're starting or have already been in the industry for a while, there are still plenty of skills that you can use to improve your business. One of the most critical factors you...

How to Make a Living Off Your Artwork

It can be hard to make a living doing what you love, whether you're an artist, musician, dancer, writer, or sculptor. To start, ensure you're well-represented online and in your community. You can also try taking on a job that involves your talents. Follow a few...

Basic Photography Supplies

There are so many tools and accessories you can buy for photography, but it's essential to start with the ones that will allow you to get started. We'll cover the necessary equipment that a beginner should have. Besides the camera body, you should also have a couple...

How to Deal with an Artistic Slump

Even professional and amateur artists can experience ups and downs in their work. Having these moments is normal, but it doesn't mean you're losing your ability to create. Just because you're going through a slump doesn't mean you're incapable of making art. Every...

What Is Abstract Art?

Modern art is referred to as abstract because it doesn't look like real life. Instead, artists utilize various colors, forms, and shapes to create an effect. Abstract isn't representational and could be based on a subject or have no source at all. A viewer might think...

Basic Painting Supplies to Get You Started

Even though the distribution of vaccines has increased, many of us are still embracing our hobbies. We recently spoke with an amateur candlemaker. Today, we're featuring some of the best tools for artists. Painting is a fun and accessible way to express yourself. You...

Top Digital Art Tools

Every digital artist needs a laptop and a drawing tablet to work properly. Besides an excellent graphic card, a special mouse and a dedicated stylus are also essential. There are various kinds of digital art tools that you can use for different purposes, such as...

What Is Mixed Media Art?

Ever wanted to try a different art form but were unsure where to start? Perhaps you're sick of the traditional sculpture methods or want to try something more challenging. With mixed media art, you can easily create something unique and beautiful. Mixed media art is a...